展商推荐|许昌吉美发制品-云开·体育全站apply(kaiyun)(中国)官方网站平台 |
所属行业: 综合
国家/地区 : 中国
举办城市: 义乌
展馆名称: 义乌国际博览中心
举办时间: 2020/03/25~2020/03/27
吉美发制品位于全球假发制造中心河南·许昌 ,坐拥全球数量***的技术精湛的熟练工人,拥有假发周边***完善的产业链配置。本公司专业生产化纤假发、假发头套、假发配件、假发刘海、真人发头套、接发产品、真人发刘海、工艺发条、欧美假发等产品。 地址:中国河南许昌县十里铺小学向东200米 网站:https:// *域名隐藏*
Jimei hair products is located in Xuchang, Henan, the global wig manufacturing center. It has the largest number of skilled workers in the world and the most complete industrial chain around the wig. The company specializes in the production of chemical fiber wigs, wig headgear, wig accessories, wig bangs, real hair headgear, hair products, real hair bangs, craft hair, European and American wigs and other products.