展商推荐 | 鄄城县舜邦工艺品-云开·体育全站apply(kaiyun)(中国)官方网站平台 |
所属行业: 综合
国家/地区 : 中国
举办城市: 义乌
展馆名称: 义乌国际博览中心
举办时间: 2020/03/25~2020/03/27
公司简介: 舜邦工艺品-云开·体育全站apply(kaiyun)(中国)官方网站平台位于山东省鄄城县一期人发工业园,是一家生产与销售为一体的假发工厂,有着多年的生产经验和稳定的客户群体,主要生产与销售国内外的各种‘接发类’‘发套类’‘补发类’和‘发帘类’产品。 主营产品: 男女式头套、补发块、pu发、指甲发、棒棒发、卡子发和发帘。 地址:山东省鄄城县一期人发工业园 邮箱:shunbang0530(at)163(dot)com
SHUNBANG arts and Crafts Co., Ltd. is located in the first phase human hair Industrial Park of juancheng County, Shandong Province. It is a wig factory integrating production and sales. It has many years of production experience and stable customer groups. It mainly produces and sells various kinds of 'hair receiving type', 'hair covering type', 'hair repairing type' and 'hair curtain type' products at home and abroad.