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您现在的位置:跨国采购网 > 找展会 > 2018纽约7月服装展、面料、家纺展

所属行业: 纺织
国家/地区 : 美国
举办城市: 纽约
展馆名称: 纽约贾维茨会议中心
举办时间: 2018/07/23~2018/07/25


美国纽约TEXWORLD服装面料展、纽约国际服装采购展(APP)以及美国纽约国际家纺面料展HTFSE是目前北美地区***的纺织品采购展之一。为适应后金融危机时代美国纺织品服装市场的变化和需求,法兰克福展览(美国)公司与中国国际贸易促进委员会纺织行业分会全面合作,于2010年7月联手将美国的三个展会合并:APP(纽约国际服装采购展)、HTFSE(纽约国际家纺面料展)和texworld (美国服装面料展)同期同地举行,在纽约打造三个分别面向服装、面料和家用纺织品的国际专业贸易展览平台。来自各个国家和地区的百货商店,批发商和大型连锁商店和海外采购专业人员将在展会上进行广泛交流及业务接洽,在该展会现场可以看到各类高质量并且价格合理的***流行趋势纺织面料产品。通过三展联办的方式,突出产业链的衔接,为参展商和贸易观众提供更多增值服务。该展会已成为美国主流商贸渠道采购中国纺织服装产品的一个固定渠道。


成衣及服装布料生产商 、批发商及零售商 、百货公司 、大型连锁店
代理行 、贸易公司 、品牌设计


We invite you to join us for the East Coast’s largest sourcing event for apparel fabric buyers, research and product development specialist, designers, merchandisers and overseas sourcing professionals.
Held bi-annually, Tex-world USA provides the opportunity to meet directly with a wide range of manufacturers from Asia, the Middle East, North America and from many other regions from around the globe. See in-demand, affordable apparel fabrics, trims and accessories for every product line -women, men, juniors and children/infant wear.
This is a must attend event for professionals in every facet of the industry -ready to be inspired by fabrics, influenced by the latest trends and introduced to a host of reliable, cutting-edge apparel textile companies.

Building on the success of Innovation Asia, Lenzing and Messe Frankfurt, Inc. have partnered to produce Tex-world USA, a dynamic industry event bringing together apparel textile suppliers and buyers. Based on the highly successful trade fair, Tex-world in Paris, Tex-world USA is the prime opportunity for fabric manufacturers to connect with the top buyers in the US market and beyond. This international business platform offers a wide array of fabrics of high creativity and an excellent price / quality relationship.
A product range covering the entire fabric spectrum comprised of all the qualities available in market will be showcased at Tex-world USA. Discover textiles of innovative structures, material mixes and surprising color palettes.

Apparel Sourcing
offers apparel brands, retailers, wholesalers and independent design firms a dedicated sourcing marketplace for finding the best international apparel manufacturers. It is the only event on the East Coast to focus on sourcing finished apparel, contract manufacturing and private label development.
Apparel Sourcing USA takes place on the same dates and at the same location as Tex-world USA in the interests of saving time and limiting distances for visitors. The first edition was held in July 2010 at the Javits Convention Center in New York City.
In addition to the products, services and resources available on the exhibit hall floor, Apparel Sourcing USA offers valuable seminar programs led by leading industry professionals.

Apparel Sourcing USA is the only event on the East Coast to focus on sourcing finished apparel, contract manufacturing and private label development. The show offers apparel brands, retailers, wholesalers and independent design firms a dedicated sourcing marketplace for finding the best international apparel manufacturers.

Home Textiles Sourcing Expo
is one of the largest sourcing events in North America to solely focus on fabrics and finished soft goods for all home applications. Held annually in July alongside Tex-world USA and Apparel Sourcing USA, the shows create one of the largest fabric sourcing destinations for the North American marketplace.
Home Textiles Sourcing Expo provides manufacturers, retailers, jobbers, converters, contract specifiers and designers a one stop sourcing venue to locate new fabrics and products for their latest collections.
In addition to the products, services and resources available on the exhibit hall floor, Home Textiles Sourcing Expo offers valuable seminar programs led by leading industry professionals.

Home Textiles Sourcing Expo is co-located with Tex-world USA and Apparel Sourcing USA, creating one of the largest sourcing destinations in the United States. At the show you can see the full spectrum of fabric and finished soft-goods in 6 categories: window, table, bed, bath, upholstery, and floor.
Messe Frankfurt, Inc. produces the event in partnership with CCPIT-TEX, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade. The mission of CCPIT-TEX is to support the development of the textile industry. Exhibitions are one of the key business platforms for CCPIT-TEX to serve the textile industry worldwide and CCPIT-TEX is the leading exhibition organizer for the textile and apparel industry in China.


1.美国拉斯维加斯国际服装服饰及面料博览会MAGIC SHOW 2月/8月
2.美国纽约国际服装采购展 APP 1月/7月
3.美国纽约服装面料展 TEXWORLD 1月/7月
4.美国纽约服装服饰面料展览会COTERIE 9月
5.美国高点家纺展SHOW TIME 6月/12月
6.加拿大多伦多服装纺织品采购展Apparel & Textile Sourcing Toronto 8月
7.法国国际服装产品贸易展THE SOURCING CONNECTION 2月/9月
8.法国巴黎国际服装采购展 APP 2月/9月
9.法国国际面料展览会TEXWORLD 2月/9月
10.英国伦敦服装服饰展览会PURE LONDON 2月/7月
11.德国亚洲服装及配饰博览会Asia Apparel Expo 2月
12.俄罗斯国际轻工纺织博览会Apparel & Textile"Textillegprom" 3月/9月
13.波罗的海国际纺织服装展BALTIC FASHION &TEXTILE 10月
14.意大利米兰国际服装及面料采购展Ready To Show/Intertex Molano 2月/9月
15.澳大利亚“中国纺织服装展” CHINA CLOTHING& TEXTILES EXPO 11月
16.墨西哥国际服装面料及辅料展INTERMODA 1月/7月
17.香港时装展览会FASHION WEEK 1月/7月
18.日本纺织成衣展览会Asia FashionFair·Japan 4月/9月
19.日本国际服装展IFF-MAGIC 4月/9月
20.孟加拉·达卡国 际纺织工业展DTG 2月/8月
21.越南国际纺织及制衣工业展 VTG 4月/11月
22.印度新德里国际纺织工业展YAF 3月
23.斯里兰卡科伦坡国际服装面料及纱线展CIFS 3月/9月
24.巴西国际纺织采购展GOTEX 9月
25.巴西圣保罗国际时尚服装及面料展览会FENIN 7月
26.南非开普敦国际纺织面料及鞋类博览会ATF 11月
27.中东迪拜国际纺织成衣展 IATF 4月/11月


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 单位: 上海源聚会展策划-云开·体育全站apply(kaiyun)(中国)官方网站平台 营业执照已上传
 姓名: lily
 电话: 15021294574
 本信息由展览公司自行发布, 内容真实性由发布者负责。
 . 2019年2月德国亚洲服装及配饰博览会
 . 2018年第11届9.27-29斯里兰卡国际纱线及面料展
 . 2018年10月波罗的海国际纺织服装展
 . 2018年7月香港时装展览会
 . 2018年8月美国拉斯维加斯国际时装面料展览会MAGIC SHOW
 . 2018年9月法国巴黎国际服装采购展 APP
 . 2018日本9月纺织成衣展览会AFF
 . 2018纽约7月服装展、面料、家纺展
 . 2018年9月法国国际服装产品贸易展PV
 . 2018年11月澳大利亚“中国纺织服装展”CHINA CLOTHING & TEXTILE EXPO

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