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  2020年瑞士国际无纺布展|INDEX 2020|参加瑞士无纺布展的理由

所属行业: 纺织
国家/地区 : 瑞士
举办城市: 日内瓦
展馆名称: 日内瓦GENEVA PALEXPO国际展
举办时间: 2020/3/31~2020/4/3

2020年瑞士国际无纺布展|INDEX 2020|瑞士无纺布展|瑞士日内瓦无纺布展|瑞士非织造布展|瑞士产业用纺织品展|瑞士产业用布展

展会地点:日内瓦GENEVA PALEXPO国际展览中心
主办单位:ANFAMOTO & Megacycle Eventos
领汇Sara: 15137674051 QQ:2851182557

The No.1 Global Nonwovens Event
Held every three years in Geneva, Switzerland, over the past three decades INDEX has established itself as the premier global nonwovens event. As the foremost industry exhibition, INDEX connects players from across the entire Nonwovens world, attracting exhibitors and attendees from every continent, bringing a truly international perspective, to the heart of Europe.

In 2014, at the last INDEX event, over 12,500 visitors journeyed from more than 100 countries to this showcase industry event.
Unrivalled in its scope and ambitions, INDEX attracts even those hard-to-reach visitors, who look to this event to help drive their business, inspiring future developments and solutions. Nowhere is the opportunity to showcase your products and generate new business leads better realised than at INDEX.

Secure your future
At INDEX&﹟8482;17 you can promote your brand and products to the world. Because at INDEX you’ll be able to meet, discuss and network with thousands of international customers, potential partners and suppliers in an ideal business-building environment. Whether you’re looking to launch promote your latest products, find new routes to market or simply set performance benchmarks against the competition, you have a world of high-quality visitors from all possible fields of application on hand.

Confirming its status as the major industry exhibition and confident of the valuable business that INDEX generates, more exhibitors than ever before took part in this premier nonwovens trade fair in 2014.

INDEX 14 visitors
(click to zoom)

With an increase of over 10% over the previous event in 2011, a record 586 exhibitors from 41 countries covering 22,153 m2 (238,453 ft2) of net stand area, were on hand to present dynamic, innovative solutions that would form the next chapter in the global history of nonwoven materials, across borders, sectors, and applications.

Reach a wide international audience
Without doubt, one of the major benefits of INDEX is that it attracts visitors from all over the world. INDEX is the only such nonwovens event with a proven international reach, giving you the opportunity to explore new geographies and establish revenue streams based on the needs and trends of different markets.

Based on the evidence of previous INDEX events, visitors from over 100 countries will make their way to Geneva for INDEX&﹟8482;17, including quality representatives from emerging nonwovens territories in Asia, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East. With a global audience assembled in one place, for four days, this represents a cost-effective way to target potential customers of nonwoven products from your exhibitions stand – connect with the world at INDEX&﹟8482;17.

Reach a broad range of user-sectors
As the world’s leading nonwovens exhibition event, visitors and potential customers attend INDEX from the widest range of user-sectors and specifiers from a broad range of industries, enabling you to explore multiple different applications for your products. This not only allows you to target traditional user industries, where you know customers are interested in your solutions, but also to explore opportunities from unexpected new markets which arise through connecting at INDEX.

From home furnishings and horticulture to hygiene, via automotive and filtration, visitors from a wide range of user sectors attend this global industry showcase.

Connect with high-calibre visitors
INDEX hosts over 12,500 visitors, many of whom take the opportunity to spend the entire four days at the exhibition. But more than just the impressive quantity of visitors, it is the quality that most impresses, with senior professionals, from C-level Directors to Senior Purchasing executives with budgetary control, looking to develop strategic alliances and build new relationships with future suppliers.

7 out of 10 attendees are high-ranking executives
70% of visitors spend two days or more at the event
Visitors INDEX&﹟8482;14 by duration of stay


Broaden your network
As an exhibitor at INDEX you not only get direct access to thousands of decision-makers with the budgetary authority to specify and buy materials, but you can also broaden your business and personal networks, connecting with influential industry figures, keen to know about you and your company.

Connect with your peers in both formal and informal settings. A broad programme of free events also provides opportunities to interact at conferences and workshops, allowing you to mix, discuss the topics of the day, and explore new business projects.

98% of exhibitors were satisfied with the quality of visitors at INDEX&﹟8482;14
97% were satisfied with the business advantages achieved at the event
95% of exhibitors said they were likely to return to INDEX in 2017!

原材料和辅料:聚合物、化学纤维、特种纤维、粘合剂、发泡材料、涂料、添加剂、色母粒;非织造布生产设备:非织造布设备及生产线 、后整理设备、 深加工设备 、辅助设备及仪器;
非织造布及深加工产品:土工布、建筑用布、汽车用布、 农业用布、合成革基布\过滤材料、建筑材料、电绝缘材料、环保用品、造纸、毛毯、医疗卫生用品、装饰用品、服装用品、鞋材、家庭用品 、其它等多功能非织造布;

国际展览顾问:翟丹丹 15137674051
工作QQ :2851182557


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 单位: 北京领汇lewaylleway国际展览-云开·体育全站apply(kaiyun)(中国)官方网站平台 营业执照已上传
 姓名: 翟丹
 电话: 010-51295359
 本信息由展览公司自行发布, 内容真实性由发布者负责。
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