2016德国国际换热器暨工业加热及冷却技术展览会WTT-EXPO |
所属行业: 综合
国家/地区 : 德国
举办城市: 纽伦堡
展馆名称: 纽伦堡展览中心
举办时间: 2016/06/01~2016/06/02
2016德国国际换热器暨工业加热及冷却技术展览会WTT-EXPO 【展出时间】2016-6-1至2016-6-2 【展出地点】德国 卡尔斯鲁厄 【展会周期】两年一届 【主办单位】德国制冷工业协会等 【组展单位】北京励航国际商务会展-云开·体育全站apply(kaiyun)(中国)官方网站平台 【商务考察】 本公司为您提供出国考察机会,让您在大型展会上获得世界同行领先科技的***手资料同时,感受异域文化气息。本公司将为您提供服务、咨询、及企业方面的相关信息,详细内容及相关报价和日程安排请来电咨询。 【展品范围】 换热器,换热设备,传热技术,换热、散热、冷却组件及配件,辅助设备及配件,具体包括: 1. Heat exchanger 1.1 Waste-gas heat exchangers 1.2 Waste heat recovery boilers 1.3 Absorption and compression refrigeration systems 1.4 Sewer heat exchangers 1.5 Block-type heat exchangers 1.6 Jacketed shell-and-tube heat exchangers 1.7 Double-tube heat exchangers 1.8 Double helical tube heat exchangers 1.9 Tri-tube coil heat exchangers 1.10 Thin film evaporators 1.11 Evaporator plants 1.12 Ice-storer 1.13 Electric heat exchangers 1.14 Falling-film evaporators 1.15 Down-flow evaporators 1.16 Counter-flow recuperators 1.17 Counter-flow heat exchangers 1.18 Brazed heat exchangers 1.19 Welded heat exchangers 1.20 Coiled-tube heat exchangers 1.21 Glass-tube heat exchangers 1.22 Plain-tube heat exchangers 1.23 Co-flow heat recuperators 1.24 Block-type graphite heat exchangers 1.25 High-pressure heat exchangers 1.26 Candle-type heat exchangers 1.27 Coaxial tube evaporators 1.28 Compact heat exchangers 1.29 Condensers 1.30 Scraped surface heat exchangers 1.31 Closed-circuit heat recovery systems 1.32 Cross-flow recuperators 1.33 Coolers 1.34 Cooling towers/heat rejection systems 1.34.1 Wet-cooling towers 1.34.2 Wet-cooling towers 1.35 Plastic heat exchangers 1.36 Short-tube evaporators 1.37 Lamellar tube heat exchangers 1.38 Plastic heat exchangers 1.39 Helical coil tubular heat exchangers 1.40 Meander coil heat exchangers 1.41 Microstructure heat exchangers 1.42 Multitube heat exchangers 1.43 Plate heat exchangers 1.43.1 Plate and shell heat exchangers 1.44 Process gas coolers 1.45 Flue-gas condensers 1.46 Regenerative heat exchangers 1.47 Recuperators 1.48 Annular-groove heat exchangers 1.49 Finned-tube heat exchangers 1.50 Multi-tube heat exchangers 1.51 Shell- and tube heat exchangers 1.52 Tube coils 1.53 Rotary-type evaporators 1.54 Scraped-surface heat exchangers 1.55 Pollutant condensers 1.56 Worm coolers 1.57 Groove type worm heat exchangers 1.58 Screw-type heat exchangers 1.59 Reformer tube heat exchangers 1.60 Spiral-plate heat exchangers 1.61 Star shaped tube bundle heat exchangers 1.62 Radiant tube recuperators 1.63 Disk-type heat exchangers 1.64 Refrigeration condensers 1.65 Twin-coil systems 1.66 Propeller-type heat exchangers 1.67 Closed-circuit heat recovery systems 1.68 Co-extruded finned tube heat exchangers 1.69 Evaporators 1.70 Evaporative condensers 1.71 Vibrating heat exchangers 1.72 Modular-type heat exchangers 1.73 Heat exchanger cleaning systems 1.73.1 - discontinuous - reaming systems - chemical - HP water/steam systems - projectile-operated - CO2 dry ice blasting 1.73.2 - continuous - brush cleaning system - chemical - energetical - physical - ball cleaning system -Compressed-air blasting system - Rinsing system - turbulence promoters 1.74 Heat pipes 1.75 Heat recovery 1.75.1 Heat recovery systems 1.75.2 Economisers 1.75.3 Heat pumps (industrial) 1.76 Helical coil type heat exchangers 1.77 Materials for heat exchangers 1.77.1 Aluminium 1.77.2 Lead 1.77.3 Enamel 1.77.4 Glass/borosilicate glass 1.77.5 Graphite 1.77.6 Ceramics 1.77.7 Plastics 1.77.8 Copper-nickel 1.77.9 Non-oxide ceramics 1.77.10 Nickel 1.77.11 Nickel-base alloys 1.77.12 PE (polyethylene) 1.77.13 PFA (perfluoralkoxy copolymer) 1.77.14 PP (polypropylene) 1.77.15 PFTE (polytetrafluorethylene) 1.77.16 PVDF (polyvenylidenefluoride) 1.77.17 Silver 1.77.18 Silicon 1.77.19 Silicon carbide 1.77.20 Naval brass 1.77.21 Alloy steel 1.77.22 Tantalum 1.77.23 Titanium 1.77.24 Zirconium 1.78 Fluidised-bed heat exchangers 1.79 Twin-tube coil heat exchangers 2. Heat Exchanger Technology 2.1 Heaters 2.1.1 - direct-fired 2.1.2 - electrically heated 2.1.3 - hot-gas fired 2.2 Superheated steam coolers 2.3 Hot-oil systems 2.4 Heat engineering 2.5 Heat transfer oil systems 2.6 Heat transfer fluids 2.7 Heat transfer fluid pumps 3. Refrigeration systems 3.1 Refrigeration 3.2 Refrigeration machines and systems 3.3 Refrigeration equipment and systems 3.4 Components for refrigeration systems 3.5 Commercial refrigeration 3.6 Industrial refrigeration 3.7 Transport refrigeration 3.8 Air-conditioning systems 3.9 Ventilation systems 3.10 Heat pumps 3.11 VRF / Split air-conditioning 3.12 Special systems 4. Components/Services 4.1 Valves 4.2 Consulting engineers 4.3 Chemicals 4.3.1 - electrically heated 4.3.2 - for cleaning of HX made of stainless steel 4.4 Insulation/insulating materials 4.5 Steam generators 4.6 Data base 4.7 Gaskets 4.7.1 - for flanges/flange connections 4.7.2 - for plate heat exchangers 4.7.3 - for shell-and-tube-heat exchangers 4.8 Services 4.9 Pressure vessels 4.10 Endoscopy/videoscopy 4.11 Technical literature/journals 4.12 Technical fairs 4.13 Filters/filtration systems 4.13.1 Rough filtrators 4.13.2 Micro filtration 4.13.3 HX protective filters 4.14 Flanges / Flange connections 4.15 Research 4.16 Heating elements, electrical 4.16.1 Heater bands 4.16.2 Heating cables 4.16.3 Heating sleeves 4.16.4 Heating blankets 4.16.5 Heating hoses 4.16.6 Immersion heaters 4.17 Maintenance and repairs 4.17.1 Services 4.17.2 Detection/measuring technology 4.17.3 Products 4.17.4 Damage repair 4.18 Components 4.18.1 Heat exchanger plates 4.18.2 Heat exchanger tubes Double pipes Condenser tubes Enhanced-surface tubes Heat exchanger tubes, miscellaneous 4.18.3 Thermal plates 4.19 Fair organisers 4.20 Measuring equipment/instruments 4.21 Surface treatment corrosion protection 4.21.1 Acid pickling 4.21.2 Coatings 4.21.3 Electropolishing 4.21.4 Cleaning 4.21.5 Others 4.22 Engineering consultancies 4.23 Process visualisation 4.24 Control technology 4.25 Tube cleaning 4.26 (Special) screws 4.27 Welding technology 4.27.1 Laser welding 4.27.2 Orbital welding 4.28 Training courses 4.29 Services 4.30 Software 4.30.1 - For the dimensioning of machines and instruments 4.30.2 - in maintenance/repair 4.30.3 - in monitoring 4.31 Instrumentation 4.32 Universities/professional schools 4.33 Valves 4.34 Associations/institutions 【展会介绍】 随着科技技术的发展,热交换技术不仅仅只是传递递热量,更是被广泛的应用于节能方面。在能源消耗及工业应用上,热交换器扮演越来越重要的角色。热交换及传导设备是化工、石油、钢铁、汽车、食品及其他许多工业部门的通用设备,在生产中占有重要地位。尤其在化工生产中,换热器可作为加热器、冷却器、冷凝器、蒸发器和再沸器等,应用甚为广泛。 在卡尔斯鲁厄高新技术及IT产业城市圈举办的WTT-EXPO是欧洲***专注于工业加热及制冷技术工业展览会,展会非常专业,对相关对口产品,均有高质量的采购商。以工业加热及冷却技术为主题的专业展览会,在全世界范围来讲均是比较少见的。因为工业加热及冷却技术在很多行业中都有应用,很多被包含在其他行业中。以这种专门以加热及冷却技术的工业展览会,符合很多以专门生产这一设备或技术企业的迫切需求。因为他们找不到对口的相关展会,总是去参加其他行业展会,而无法取得***理想的效果。 本次展会联合德国制冷工业协会,与PaintExpo - (涂装工业展览会The Leading International Trade Fair for Industrial Coating Technology) and HallTec - (建筑工业展览会The Trade Fair for Technical Building Equipment in Industrial and Commercial Building Construction) 联合举办,这样做的目的是,因为在涂装、化工、建筑行业,热交换器及热传导装备在这些行业大量运用,为WTT带来更多的买家为本次展会创造了更多的交易机会。 您选择此次展会作为开始海外市场的理由: 1、 WTT-EXPO是欧洲***专注于工业加热及制冷技术展览会。 2、 非常专业的B2B展览会,参观者100%是这一领域的专业人士,他们分别来工厂技术人员、设备采购商、设计师及研发人员、维修服务商。 3、 提供额外的附加值服务,主办多个主题论坛,为展商和买家提供交流信息的平台。 4、 与WTT-EXPO同期举办的PaintExpo (the leading international trade fair for industrial coating technology) 和HallTec (the trade fair for technical building equipment in industrial and commercial building construction), 这些展商为WTT-EXPO增加了额外的签约可能性。
北京励航国际商务会展-云开·体育全站apply(kaiyun)(中国)官方网站平台 展会顾问:柴瑞 MS CHERRY 手机(Mob): 15801603182 微信:15801603182 电话(Tel):010-88490855-807 传真 010-58129750 在线QQ : 1767668634 邮件(Email): Cherry(at) *域名隐藏* 北京市通州区新华大街鼎晟国际2号院1号楼302 邮编 100010